Consumer Reports says iPhone 6 Bendgate Controversy “Overblown”
There has been a lot of controversy regarding the new iPhones due to numerous reports of the phones bending. This is an issue that a handful of iPhone 5 users had experienced in the past so it is definitely not new per se. However some are arguing that the issue has been overblown and while Apple has offered the media a look at their testing facility, we’re sure some are still a little doubtful.
Well the folks at Consumer Reports have decided to put the new iPhones to test themselves and have included other phones as a form of comparison. The test that they used involved using an Instron compression testing machine which basically pushes down on the middle of the phone with varying degrees of force.
The phones used in the test include the iPhone 5s, new iPhones, the LG G3, the Samsung Galaxy Note 3, and the HTC One M8. According to their finding, it seems that the HTC One M8 and iPhone 6 were the weakest of the bunch and deformed at 70 pounds of force. This was followed by the iPhone 6 Plus which deformed at 90 pounds, followed by the LG G3 at 130 pounds, and the Galaxy Note 3 which was the sturdiest at 150 pounds.
According to Consumer Reports, they conclude by saying, “While not the strongest phones on the market, fears of a serious structural design flaw in the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus seem overblown.”
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